Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Come to Jesus Meeting

I recently got to spend the day with some beautiful women. My mama wanted to spend time with her babies for Mother's Day. I am not about telling someone's business so I will not tell my sister's age and since I don't even think my husband is sure how old I am, I certainly am not telling mine. Let's just say we are 29.95+ so the babies part always tickles me.

I love spending time with them. We laugh, eat and visit. I am not sure if visit has the same connotation every where else but in the South, it means sit a spell and have God conversation. Well now, that is something. I am using my Swype pad and I meant for it to say good conversation but it put God instead. Funny because that is normally what our conversations become, God conversations. Everytime, the question is always asked- are we doing enough? I have also heard other people say they hoped they were doing enough to get into heaven. The answer is no. You can never do enough to get into heaven. You simply have to accept Jesus.

I am honored on Sundays to be a part of someone praying the Salvation prayer even if its only by sitting in the congregation. They have just become a Christian. That is all it takes, ask Jesus to forgive you and come be a part of your life for the rest of this crazy journey.

You are in! Done. Finito. There are no strings. There is no small print. You are in like Flynn baby. There is no secret handshake that you will need to know, no password. Just accept Jesus.

I could stop there but that would not be nice. Because I don't want any one to think that you get a magic tiara that will make all your wishes come true and all your issues disappear. The Salvation prayer does not wash away all your problems, erase all your fears and make things immediately better. Things will still be difficult but you now have someone who will face it with you and never let you down.

You also now are kind of married. You see, accepting Jesus is like getting married. You now have someone else to think about. Before I got married, if I wanted to do something I did it. No questions ask. I was footloose and fancy free and missing that love and comfort that being married to my wonderful hubby brings me. So what- I traded being able to go to the beach by myself or out with friends when ever I wanted without having to think of someone else and their feelings before just going ahead and doing. A BIG, HUGE adjustment but worth every second of it. And it starts with the whole "dying to self" process.

It is easy to say that dying to self is too hard, "I will never be able to do it." "I don't want to." "It doesn't sound like fun." Whah, whah, whah. Odds are you probably already have died to self. Ever been in love?

I think I am the only Southern woman who does not like football. I love to tailgate; cooking, eating, sitting back having a beer with friends, a little cornhole. But I cannot stand to go sit on uncomfortable, metal bleachers in 95 degree weather while they stop the clock 789 times. People- birds land on the field in the middle of the game. There should never ever ever be enough time with no one moving that birds land on the field. I would suggest taking a comfortable seat with a back and breaking out a good book but as I found, you may get a few stares. Umm hmm- I did that and hubby found a friend to share his tickets with the next time. It was not the most fun way for me to spend a Saturday afternoon. But I did it any way. I put on my best face and marched right on up those bleachers and sat there dressed in my finest N.C. State regalia and watched the birds land on the field. I did something that did not sound like fun and held no appeal because my hubby enjoyed it. Now was it the best day I have ever experienced? Absolutely not. Did I have a good time? Yes, I did. Am I glad I did it? Absolutely 100% yes I am. I spent time with my wonderful hubby doing something he loved. And for my pain and suffering, I got a manicure. :) He sure is a good hubby.

That, in my humble opinion, is dying to self. Putting your wants aside to do what you know is the right thing to do, what God is leading and guiding you to do. It is not always easy or fun. Sometimes it hurts. You are ready to do something and God is like "Ease up there love chops, it is not quite time for that." Or the opposite happens. You are not ready and He is. Those are fun. "I am sorry, you want me to do what? Am I at least going to get a manicure out of this?" Maybe not a manicure but you will receive something pretty amazing. God's plan for your life and the peace that goes along with it. He will bless you above and beyond what you can ever imagine. But please know, that your life will not be perfect. It will not be without pain and suffering. There will be times that it downright sucks. But the peace you have knowing that some how, some way and some time in the future you will see the good and the blessings in what happened makes it worth every moment. And let me tell you the reward is far greater than you can ever imagine.

John 16:33
I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer. But cheer up! I have defeated the world.

love- j

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stickin to whacha know... gets ya Stuck!

I cannot dance and that is being kind. Rhythm- I no gots it. My resemblance to Elaine from Seinfeld goes a little bit deeper than just dark curly hair. Not quite as bad but yeah... you get the picture.

Here's the thing, I LOVE TO DANCE. Love it- suck at it but LOVE IT. I have choreographed many a dance routine to some great 80's and 90's songs. The campier the song the better, hello New Kids on the Block. Zip it people- I was young and knew not what I did. I have waltzed, boogied, two stepped and shagged many Saturday afternoons away. First for those of you not from the South but especially from England- Shagging is a dance that is done to beach music. An actual dance, if you get my meaning. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how we look at it, I was too embarrassed to "perform" them in front of actual people. However, Rob Lowe, River Phoenix, Ralph Macchio, Christian Slater- they saw and approved every single move. Oh and Cary Ewles, Judd Nelson, Kirk Cameron, Val Kilmer, Andrew McCarthy and bear with me people, I reliving my childhood posters. Goodness, my dad had to fill in some pin holes when I moved out.

Focus-man- focus! Back to dancing or lack thereof... I have friends that once the music starts they just automatically start moving and its perfect. They could trip and it would be in perfect time to the music. Buttheads. Yeah- I said it. B-U-T-T-H-E-A-D-S. I mean it with lots of love though... I really do. They are awesome and I am sitting in a chair saying "No, go ahead. I am perfectly content to sit here and prop up this chair." When all I really want to do is get out there and have a little spastic fun. So what is holding me back?

Oh the answer is way too easy on this one. "But what will others think?" How many times have we asked ourselves this stupid question? Now, I am not talking about the "What would your Mama think?" question. You know- the conscience question that makes you stop before you act and use those values your Mama and Deddy (and your grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and anyone else Mama said could whoop you if they needed to) instilled in you. That one has probably prevented me from getting arrested. Come on, be honest, it saved your hide a time or two.

Parenting Advice: You can always use the line my Mama used. "Just remember what Mama doesn't see, Jesus does." And you might get into a little trouble asking Jesus to close his eyes. So that one sticks.

So back to Who cares what others think? Okay, I do but I am working on that. My hubby doesn't. How does he do that? When I ask him, he said "I live my life to the best of my ability. I try to make the right decisions even when they are painful. We pray and ask God to guide us on the ones that seem to big. Why should I care? I have done what I am supposed to do." Pardon me, Oh Great and Powerful Oz! Who knew the answer was literally right in front of me, like in my face while I am brushing my teeth.

So thinking about this made me ask the question what have I missed? What opportunities to be an example of Jesus have I missed because I was to concerned with what others think? That one hurts because the answer is plenty. I can hear my excuses now- I might look stupid. I will say the wrong thing. I may embarrass myself. I will get tongue tied. And for once the negative committee in your head will be correct. All of those things can and at some point will happen. But we are Christians. We are people who are supposed illustrate through our lives the love and teachings of Christ. He should be a part of our lives in every decision, action and thought. When He is and you do something crazy, get tongue tied, look silly or are just plain human, he will take that and turn it into the blessing it was meant to be. You did it to the best of your ability, you did it because it was right. And He made it perfect because it was about Jesus and not you. So who cares about what other think... Now, Heavenly Father, if you will just help me remember this.

Now does this mean I am going to get out on the dance floor? Indeed I am. I have a prom to go to, the Joy Prom. My church is hosting it this year and I am going to get out there and dance. Dance, I say!

Joshua 1:9
This is my command. be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you where ever you go.


PS- It drives me crazy when the hubby does that... Gives such a simple answer that is completely and wholly perfect when I have been searching. Hey, I am human. I guess that is why we are suppose to hang out with those smarter than us. They will lift us up.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

In case you haven't heard this in a while- You are pretty FABULOUS!

I am going to let you in on a little secret... Everyone needs a little encouragement. EVERYONE.

My phone just beeped and I had a Facebook message from someone who has encouraged me to do somethings I thought were crazy, like starting this blog and writing songs. I opened the message and it was a video of a little boy reminding me to take the Road Most Awesome. It was sent to encourage me. Not because things were "bad"  but because I am doing something crazy and it is to encourage me to keep on the path of awesome. I am crossing my fingers that I am right on that one. :)

Let me start by saying I know some awesomely talented people- authors, professional singers and songwriters. They are using the talents that God has given them, to His glory, and they are successful doing it. Their writings and music have been uplifting to me and so many others. They are doing what God intended for them to do.

I am grateful to have these people in my life because they push me and encourage me. I have stepped outside of my comfort zone to do things I never thought I was capable of because these wonderful people.

BUT... there is an inner mean girl inside of me that wants to "kick me in my teeth". She rears her ugly head at the most opportune times and whispers such "encouraging" thoughts. "You know you don't sing as well as _______, so why are you even trying." "Oh Dear! You know this will be a failure, you should give up now." "Look at their house- neat, organized. Oh Honey, when is the last time you dusted?" "She has it together, why aren't you more like her?" And don't even get me started on when that inner witch gets on her broom about being a sucky wife. She swirls in my head like a tornado wreaking havoc. She makes me feel like where I am and who I am is not good enough. That being where God intended me to be is not good enough.

It is very difficult for me to write and now publish the paragraph above. I was afraid to show others that inside the put together exterior is a mess. Some days the mess is a little junk mail on the counter and some days a full on episode of Hoarders. Now, I have a great life. I have a wonderful husband who is my best friend. My Mama and sister are two people that I would hurt you over because I love them but they are also my buddies. I have fabulous extended family and true friends who love me faults and all. (And I do them.) I have a job that, although crazy and stressful is a great job that has helped me become a more responsible, organized adult. From all outward appearances, I have a perfect life.

Oh wait- I do! But I will get back to that in a moment.

I try to see the good in everything and everyone. I try to smile and laugh as often as I can. I make sure that I spend time with littles who still see the world as God intended it. I try to remember God loves me and has me. But sometimes that inner mean girl screams way louder than everything else and I let her win. There is no rhyme or reason to it, some days she just simply wins. Those are the days a girl like me could use a little encouragement and a good lipstick! And since we never know when that inner mean kid is winning, we should be encouraging to others every single chance we get.

Now about that inner mean kid telling you "You ain't even close to perfect." Yes you are! And I can prove it...

There are two definitions of perfect:

1. excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement.

I think this is the definition that gets us in deep poo-poo. There is no humanly way possible to be perfect with this definition and yet we seem strive for this form of perfection. But there is hope because definition #2 is amazing.

# 2: exactly fitting the need in a certain situation or for a certain purpose.

My friend was the epitome of perfect 2.0. He sent exactly what I needed to see and hear, at the exact moment I needed it.

Whatever the situation, if we pray for God to guide us in our actions and words, and do what He shows us, we will be perfect. Not beyond improvement but being exactly what someone needs when they need it. We can encourage them and show them God's love in the best way possible. I can't think of anything more perfect than that!

2 Samuel 22:33
God is my strength and my power; and he maketh my way perfect.

love- j

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Big Ditch

It was a day like any other... Okay, not really. We were in Vegas for the hubby's 39.95 birthday. He could pick anywhere he wanted and this was his choice.

This is the trip that, according to Brudder (my brother-in-law), placed me in the Pantheon of Most Awesomeness. I have the award to prove it. Evidently when you give your husband the gift of driving a Porche really really fast at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, your awesomeness rises to an unprecedented level, hence the award. And yes, I was nervous at first. If you could ride with him on the Beltline, you would understand my hesitation at him legally being able to drive faster than a speeding bullet. But as he started driving, I realized he was really good. And then it happened, I went from nervous to competitive. I found myself saying "Don't you pass MY Husband!" "Bobbie, you kick his (now is the time to remember why it is called Sass Mouth Christian)!" Somewhere about lap # .5, the sweet Southern Lady turned into some deranged, screaming, jumping up and down fan. I learned that if he actually had his dream job, coaching basketball, I would probably get a technical. Anyway, that is not the story I wanted to share. It has to do with a very big ditch.

Since this was a big birthday for hubby, Mama, Sissy and Sissy's hubby came. While Sissy and S'sH stayed in Vegas, the rest of us struck out for the big ditch, I mean the Grand Canyon. Here is where I will give you the Reader's Digest Condensed version...

No Map
No Signal
So Lost

A little advise- when your phone finally gets a signal, Grand Canyon does not work for a street address. Neither does- Big Ditch, Hole in the Ground nor Dear Jesus, Help us we are lost in the desert.

We have been driving for 5 hours. It should only have taken 4. It is obvious we are lost. Thankfully, we have stayed on the same highway so it was not a "die in the desert" lost. More like a find me a bathroom in the desert or else lost. After finally finding the bathroom, we all hop back in the car with a map in hand. I unfold the map and start to look for the way. My mother from the back seat pipes in and says "There was a sign about 1 hour back that said Grand Canyon. I just thought y'all had another plan to do more sightseeing."

Now this is one of those moments in life that can go one of two ways... You can get pissed and pout the rest of the trip OR you can simply get over it, turn the car around and find the big ditch. You have a choice.

We chose to turn the car around and find the big ditch. And the further into the trip we got, the funnier the whole thing became. By the time we got to the Grand Canyon, we had laughed so hard and so long that we were hurting. The laughter would die down and some one would ask "How could we not find the big ditch?" and it would start all over again. I think a Facebook post was made that the first person to help us find the Big Ditch would get a prize.

Finally, we arrived. Now, I love being outside. Laying on a blanket outside with a nice breeze and all the sounds of nature is glorious to me. Those are the moments when I feel God. Hubby and I have traveled to places that make you stop, sit quietly and be in awe of God and all that He has done. Yosemite, a mountain top in NC, the Redwood Forest, the countryside of Switzerland, these are all places that take our breath away, The Big Ditch, however, takes the cake, the pie and my grandma's apple jacks. It was beautiful and amazing. The thing that stood out the most was how incredibly quiet it was. Almost everyone there was reverent, a moment of quiet that even hushed the thoughts that always pop up when you are trying to pray or meditate. A moment of pure, unadulterated peace. I think it is God's way of showing you, one day this is how it will be, always. The Grand Canyon should be on your bucket list.

But I want to go back to the journey getting there. We had a choice that day. Things were certainly not going as planned. We wanted to get to our destination but several factors were preventing us from doing so. We had a choice- get angry or accept the circumstances and try to make the best of them. I have often wondered how different our experience would have been if we had chosen differently. Would we have missed such a special moment if we were angry at getting lost? That moment of knowing without a doubt that God is real and He loves us?

It is so easy to sit here and type about making choices when it is in regard to getting lost while driving. But I also know it is hard to make a choice of being joyful and content when things are at their absolute worst. It was difficult to appreciate and understand where God was taking us when my Mom was having chemo for breast cancer and my Dad was dying of esophageal cancer. It is difficult to understand why my father-in-law is fading to a disease like Alzheimer's. I write this so that you know my choice to find joy in the path God has given me is not based on a path of candy canes and lollipops. It is about choosing, making difficult choices. But I choose it because I have seen what God does with our suffering. He turns it into beautiful, amazing moments of peace. It may take a little longer than YOU planned to get there but I promise He will get you there.

4.Be glad in the Lord always! Again I say, be glad! 5.Let your gentleness show in your treatment of all people. The Lord is near. 6.Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. 7.Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:4-7

How awesome is it that this is verse of the day on the day I am making this post? love-j