Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stickin to whacha know... gets ya Stuck!

I cannot dance and that is being kind. Rhythm- I no gots it. My resemblance to Elaine from Seinfeld goes a little bit deeper than just dark curly hair. Not quite as bad but yeah... you get the picture.

Here's the thing, I LOVE TO DANCE. Love it- suck at it but LOVE IT. I have choreographed many a dance routine to some great 80's and 90's songs. The campier the song the better, hello New Kids on the Block. Zip it people- I was young and knew not what I did. I have waltzed, boogied, two stepped and shagged many Saturday afternoons away. First for those of you not from the South but especially from England- Shagging is a dance that is done to beach music. An actual dance, if you get my meaning. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how we look at it, I was too embarrassed to "perform" them in front of actual people. However, Rob Lowe, River Phoenix, Ralph Macchio, Christian Slater- they saw and approved every single move. Oh and Cary Ewles, Judd Nelson, Kirk Cameron, Val Kilmer, Andrew McCarthy and bear with me people, I reliving my childhood posters. Goodness, my dad had to fill in some pin holes when I moved out.

Focus-man- focus! Back to dancing or lack thereof... I have friends that once the music starts they just automatically start moving and its perfect. They could trip and it would be in perfect time to the music. Buttheads. Yeah- I said it. B-U-T-T-H-E-A-D-S. I mean it with lots of love though... I really do. They are awesome and I am sitting in a chair saying "No, go ahead. I am perfectly content to sit here and prop up this chair." When all I really want to do is get out there and have a little spastic fun. So what is holding me back?

Oh the answer is way too easy on this one. "But what will others think?" How many times have we asked ourselves this stupid question? Now, I am not talking about the "What would your Mama think?" question. You know- the conscience question that makes you stop before you act and use those values your Mama and Deddy (and your grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and anyone else Mama said could whoop you if they needed to) instilled in you. That one has probably prevented me from getting arrested. Come on, be honest, it saved your hide a time or two.

Parenting Advice: You can always use the line my Mama used. "Just remember what Mama doesn't see, Jesus does." And you might get into a little trouble asking Jesus to close his eyes. So that one sticks.

So back to Who cares what others think? Okay, I do but I am working on that. My hubby doesn't. How does he do that? When I ask him, he said "I live my life to the best of my ability. I try to make the right decisions even when they are painful. We pray and ask God to guide us on the ones that seem to big. Why should I care? I have done what I am supposed to do." Pardon me, Oh Great and Powerful Oz! Who knew the answer was literally right in front of me, like in my face while I am brushing my teeth.

So thinking about this made me ask the question what have I missed? What opportunities to be an example of Jesus have I missed because I was to concerned with what others think? That one hurts because the answer is plenty. I can hear my excuses now- I might look stupid. I will say the wrong thing. I may embarrass myself. I will get tongue tied. And for once the negative committee in your head will be correct. All of those things can and at some point will happen. But we are Christians. We are people who are supposed illustrate through our lives the love and teachings of Christ. He should be a part of our lives in every decision, action and thought. When He is and you do something crazy, get tongue tied, look silly or are just plain human, he will take that and turn it into the blessing it was meant to be. You did it to the best of your ability, you did it because it was right. And He made it perfect because it was about Jesus and not you. So who cares about what other think... Now, Heavenly Father, if you will just help me remember this.

Now does this mean I am going to get out on the dance floor? Indeed I am. I have a prom to go to, the Joy Prom. My church is hosting it this year and I am going to get out there and dance. Dance, I say!

Joshua 1:9
This is my command. be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you where ever you go.


PS- It drives me crazy when the hubby does that... Gives such a simple answer that is completely and wholly perfect when I have been searching. Hey, I am human. I guess that is why we are suppose to hang out with those smarter than us. They will lift us up.

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